On YouTube i found a view examples of this type of editing style, however the full clip itself is less than 10 seconds long.
My set of examples i looked into was movies by Edgar Wright such as "Shaun of the dead" and "Hot fuzz", the style he uses is very typical of him as it is used across many of his films.
"Hot Fuzz scene transition"
"Shaun of the dead quick cuts"
"Shaun of the dead - The plan"
In Hot Fuzz the editing style he uses is a transition to get from one scene to another, the clip is about 5 seconds and uses 5 different cuts. He uses a lot of close up shots to emphasise the action that is happening, such as opening doors and clocking out from work etc. There is also a use of depth of field to get the action to be the main focal point, this is use of camera work and cannot be made in post production.
In Shaun of the dead, the transition scene is Shaun getting ready for work. It shows short clips of him cleaning his teeth, using the toilet etc. This sequence is also about 5 seconds and uses close up shots. Shortly after is another sequence of him making breakfast. This is made up of short clips of making spreading jam on toast and making a cup of tea, these are very stereotypically british things which add to the comedy of the film.
The last quick edit scene i found was The Plan about Shaun trying to think of a safe place to go and rescuing his family and friends. The scene consists of 3 different sequences of short clips of his different ideas. Again as a classic Edgar Wright style, they use many close up shots, but also use a range of wide angle shots that also pan across the screen. The transitions between clips are also a range of quick cuts and wipes from one side of the screen across to the other. The sound effects used are also exaggerated, as it is a comedy film i think that they can afford to use the sounds and keep the viewer interested, with noises such as drinking their tea and wheel spinning to show the fast movement of the car.
For my own project i will Edgar Wrights style of editing in these sequences as inspiration for my own sequence.
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